Question: What are the differences between Paul’s letters and John’s letters?

Two men; two purposes!

John’s Gospel to present “Behold your God”!

See: 1:3,14,33,34,49.  3:13,14. 5:23,26.  6:51,62. 8:58. 13:33 & 20:28,31.

John also on Patmos is privileged and trusted, to be the Scribe for the Book of Revelation; which is of such importance for devout Christians!

Paul; initially the great enemy of the Jews and Christ Jesus; is stopped in his blood lust of Jews who converted to Jesus; and is by special Command of Almighty God; seconded, and by special revelation, converted to be “The Apostle to the Gentiles”; and initiator of the Isa. 6:9–10 prophecy, at Acts 28:25–28!

When the Jews objected to God that Paul was their enemy and executioner; they are told that he is “a Chosen Vessel” with special purpose and Commission for God and Christ Jesus!

Little did they know that because of the Priesthood of the time, and the Sanhedrin, the Jews were to be made “lo-Ammi” (not My people), shortly after, because of their disbelief in Christ Jesus; as their Messiah!

That condition still prevails; but, will end when the events of Zech.12:10 are current!

See: Paul's Progress on from Christian Persecution to Apostle (Study)

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